Friday, June 24, 2011

Flashback Friday: That Time I Loved My Dog

I have a dog named Katie. She's a Jack Russell Terrier. She's about to be 6 years old. And she's adorable.
Adorable, right?
After the hubby and I had been married for about a year, we decided to get a dog.

Well actually we started with a plant named Oscar. The hubby had a plan. He said that if we could take care of a plant, then we could probably take care of a dog. And if we could take care of a dog, we could probably take care of a baby. He was very specific about this plan.

The plant died shortly after we brought it home.

So I bought a new plant, named it Oscar, and about a year later, we got a dog.
Katie on her first day home
I warned you she is adorable. I have a whole folder of pictures of her on my computer. Like this one:
Or this one:

We set to work making her our baby right away. The hubby taught her a ton of tricks. We took her for walks all the time. As soon as she was potty-trained she slept in "the nook" of my arm at night. We took her to dog parks to socialize her. We played hide-and-seek around the house with her. She received her own Valentine's Day presents and Easter basket. We were those people.


Then this happened:

Est. March 2010
 Which led quickly to this:

And this:

Now her dog food and treats are delivered by little hands. Her hide-and-seek involves little feet and not-so-tricky hiding places. Her presents are dropped from a high chair. And when she gets a walk, her leash is attached to a pretty slow-moving stroller. 

And the real kicker- she's on diet dog food.

She's been demoted from baby to dog. But don't worry, I still love her, and now, so does Amelia. Plus she still gets to sleep in the nook.

I still can't keep a plant alive, but I do have a very much alive dog and toddler. Two out of three ain't half bad, right?

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