Monday, June 27, 2011

Good news! My child does not have an infectious disease!

This is great because last week I thought she might. See, we were possibly "exposed" to hand-foot-mouth-disease nastiness at a playgroup recently. This stuff happens. Because kids are not always the most sanitary creatures. But I'll trade a few illnesses for socialization (for Mia and I both!) any day. So the exposure was not a big deal for me.

Until we were at a party with a completely new mommy group. An established group. That I might have sort of weaseled myself into. This was our first time to meet them and I was totally maybe trying to make a pretty good impression.

We're swimming in the pool and I'm lifting her up in the air and letting her splash down in the water. (This is as close as I get to an arm workout.) She opens her mouth wide, "Whee!"

And I see it.

There is a white sore on the inside of her mouth.

Okay, so pause. On one hand, I just got an email letting us know we were possibly exposed to HFMD. And now I see a sore. There are a ton of other kids here who could be exposed as well now. I should get my things as quickly as possible and leave. I should tell all these mommies so they can protect/sanitize their children.


Then I'm the infectious mommy. This was not the impression I was hoping to leave. Who wants to invite the infectious mommy to the next playdate?

So I stayed. And enjoyed the party. And ate some cake. And socialized.

And tried not to let Mia touch too many kids/things.

I mentally prepared the "I'm sorry" email I would need to send and took Mia to the doctor first thing the next morning. The doctor checked her over carefully.

And told me it looked like Mia bit her cheek.

I'm so glad I didn't confess to those mommies and leave the party. Because first-time mommies tend to over-react.

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