Thursday, June 23, 2011

What Works for Us: Part II

As I mentioned the other day, Mia really likes to do artsy stuff. Ok, I really like to do artsy stuff. But I've pushed it on her at such a young age, she'll never know the difference! Ha!

Seriously, she'll ask to do chalk outside. Or scream say please while pointing to the window crayons. Or check the cabinet in the kitchen where I was silly enough to store crayons when she first became interested in them. Why did I think a lower cabinet with no locks was a great place for a bucket full of crayons? But most often she'll wave her arm back and forth and say something that sounds vaguely like "color."

So I created a special "coloring" chair in our kitchen. It is just a portable booster seat and the genius part is that it has its own tray. Which means no stray crayon marks on our kitchen table.

And she's contained. Which means I can choose to color with her...or do dishes, cook dinner, mop the floor (ha, like that happens much), make a grocery list, put away groceries, take out the trash...whatever!

Oh, and if I'm really feeling indulgent, I can also put on a Baby Signing Time DVD for her. She can see the TV perfectly from this heavenly little spot.

It's a wonder she doesn't spend more time here!

Oh, and I promise she wears other clothes besides this pink heart t-shirt. I guess I only take pictures on days she's wearing it! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is soo great! What a wonderful system to keep Amelia occupied! We've tried coloring once with Isaac, but he wasn't really into it...maybe we'll try it again... ;-)
