Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Staycation Challenge

I'm insisting on a family vacation this summer. The kind with just me, the hubby, and the kiddo. The kind with sightseeing and sun and family photos in front of roadside attractions or sweeping landscapes. But mainly the kind where you get to spend fun times together.

Unfortunately, the ol' budget insists that this vacation take place in the city we live in. That's right. We're doing a staycation.

It helps that we actually live in a destination city. That means there's lots of stuff to do. Touristy things. We started listing all the things we wanted to do and see and filled a whole page with brainstorming.

Lots of the stuff we plan on doing is new to one or all of us. Most of it is low-cost. All of it fits in a much nicer budget range than a trip elsewhere.

It will be fun times together as a family.

And I'm going to document it just like a "real" vacation. And share it with ya'll. Because maybe you want to vacation here someday! Or maybe you're challenging yourself to an awesome, low-budget staycation too.

Either way: Bon Voyage to...



  1. Hey, I am going there as part of my vacation, too. :)

  2. The worst kind of staycation is when your air conditioner goes out so you're forced out of the house! Oh well, we will find some fun things to do! Hope you have a blast!!
