Friday, July 1, 2011

Flashback Friday: That Time I Lived Too Close to a Big City

I think I already mentioned I'm a suburb gal. I wrote the following almost exactly a year ago, days before moving across the country. I did not particularly enjoy my location at the time. Not only was I too close to the downtown area, but I was too far north. Where it isn't hot long enough each year to justify central air conditioning. So when it was hot outside, whew, it was an oven inside our little 2nd story apartment in an old house with charming, but not-so-airtight windows.

Sure, there were lots of great things about living there- not the least of which are the memories of bringing home an adorable baby girl. And that cute little coffee shop around the corner that served the best caramel chai lattes.

But I had trouble loving this place from that very first day I rolled up with all my possessions in a big yellow moving truck. And I was robbed within an hour.

June 22, 2010

Reason 394 Why I’m Happy to Move

The room is dark, shades drawn. It has finally cooled down from the insane heat of the day and I can hear the calming whirr of the fan and air conditioner. Baby Girl softly snores next to me in bed, swaddled except for her left arm, which is draped sweetly above her head. It is an exact miniature replica of how I’m positioned, resting, nodding off, almost asleep. Nick quietly opens the door, tiptoes over to the bed, leans down next to me, whispers, “A group of drug dogs is searching the backyard.”

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